Limited Edition Prints / Watercolour Pencil Drawings

Art Inspired by Nature & Country. Pattern designs for multiple applications + plant wisdom illustrations / prints

Colour your life…

…Adorn your sanctuary

Plant Women Series 2021

Inspired by house plants and the benefit & wisdom of plant medicine in our lives. The Plant Women Series is designed as a card deck , each with positive affirmations and channelled plant messages and can be purchased as a deck or individual small prints.

Works in Iso 2020-21

I originally designed these symbols of flight and internal ascension prior to the Covid pandemic as quite symmetrical graphic prints. During the first border closures and lockdown in Australia on the East Coast, a relocation from the east to the west followed by a quarantine period once arrived in Western Australia I translated the ascension into colourful bursts on paper. Whilst drawing and pondering on the opportunities for change in global structures that only support fractions of humanity I wonder “will we get there?”

These works are created between Cairns, Brisbane, Port Macquarie, Dubbo, The Nullabor Plains and Walyalup, Fremantle. Original size Approx 70 x 50cm.

Modern Mystics Series 2020-21

Created in Walyalup, Fremantle, W.A ‘Modern Mystics’ are channelled drawings of inner feminine energy and connection to plant, animal, community. The feminine energy that is needed to heal and rebuild a world gone mad. A complex system of inter-connectedness that respects all life forms.

Original Size approx 70 x 50 cm

Plants That Don’t Die Series 2020

Ascension flowers and ‘Plants That Don’t Die’ originally created for a friend who couldn’t keep her indoor plants alive and needed a splash of colour through the first Covid lockdown period in Australia.